Pick Your Course

Last Sunday organized Sandy along with Diana Bree again Pick Your Course contest. All results and courses on the website of the contest.

www.kensa.nl / game

Zeeland Girls

Zeeland Girls


A bit special congratulations to the team Kensa “Zeeland Girls”.

This year they were again 3rd! Last year they were 3rd, and even 2nd year.

Superstabiel Topteam!!!

KenSA naar NK!

This year is the first opportunity Dutch Champion to be with a team. Prior to NK there was a competition which could be for your team scored during the game points. After a fun weekend Uden which was run the last qualifying round by the C-large, The match ends known. In…. The Team may Kensa to NK on Sunday 23 June !!!! πŸ™‚

The team consists Kensa:

  • 366259 – Sambuca, Hanny Meijdam
  • 386013 – Poki, Kees Chair
  • 390716 - Sue, Sandy Ammerlaan
  • 392864 – Pachuba, Simone Kimmel-Stahlie
  • 400453 – Magic, Marjan Bosgoed
  • 415223 – Denzel, Hanny Meijdam



Tijdens onze vakantie zijn er een aantal wedstrijden geweest, en sommigen succesjes kunnen we niet onvermeld laten πŸ™‚

Pachuba liep een mooi VP in Assen. Goed voor een 2e plaats, echt heel tof voor Simone en Chewy!

Dartel liep datzelfde rondje ook super. Een 3e plaats, en daarmee hun laatste P in de B1. Ze zijn gepromoveerd naar de C-klasse!

Gina maakte er wat moois van op de jumping, op hun tweede wedstrijd in de B1-klasse. Een foutloze ronde, goed voor een 13e plaats. Goed gedaan Loes!

Wammes doet het goed in de veteranenklasse. Esther en hij liepen lekker in Assen. Net een foutje op het vast, maar de (foutloze) jumping was goed voor een 2 place. Bij KV Nieuwegein bleef het VP foutloos, een 4e plaats.

Ook Mido gaat lekker op veteranenhoogte! 2 foutloze rondjes in Assen. 6e plaats op de jumping, en 2e op het vast parcours.

Denzel liep de snelste tijd op het VP bij Nieuwegein, Helaas toch nog net een foutje

In Deventer liet Magic weer zien wat hij kan. Twee foutloze rondes, goed voor een 7e plaats op het VP, en een 3e op de Jumping. Magic staat nu op de 2e plaats in de competitie.

Poki en Kees gaan lekker op ‘t moment. Ze haalden gisteren de 1e plaats op het Vast Parcours. Die vlakken gaan wel goed nu πŸ˜‰

Chickie zit ook weer in de lift. Carla en Chickie haalden gisteren de 1e plaats op het RoyalCanin parcours! (B)

other news,,nl,has run his last large-match,,nl,Maybe we will see him again in a veterans match,,nl,another,,lt,unfortunately had to quit the game,,nl,we will do that clown maybe training,,nl,In.,,es: Spot heeft zijn laatste large-wedstrijd gelopen. Wellicht zien we hem nog eens op een veteranenwedstrijd. Kito moest helaas stoppen met het spelletje, we zullen die clown wel misschien op training!! En.. I might have seen some overlooked… (you may let me know quiet, zodat ik het kan toevoegen ;))

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& than Sunday… ;)

The large dogs ran in Delft today.
Klasse B2 en C. Sambuca (Hanny) in spotlight (Marjan) were not flawless VP, but the jumping seemed clear both neatly flawless, and they ended up on the 21 in 27 place. There was a lot flawless competition…!

Also, the A-class was allowed to appear at the start.
Denzel (also with Hanny) ran a great VP, as well as Kito with Joan. Kito 2e en Denzel 1e!!! and of course grab a U'tje ;). We are very proud!!! Hanny is also fixed, her Denzel. Joan and certainly in Kito….:
When jumping 2 flaws for Denzel, but Kito just walked Mathews flawless.. 3th! That pup crops for an oversized likes to run his own round :)). Nicely done Joan, really!

Marina with Yes and Connie also walked with Sietske. Both schapendoezen were measured medium, and that is very nice to hear! That they are super combis, they proved in the jumping. Instant U'tje address! 2nd place for Yes, and a 4th place for Sietske.


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Faultless mediums

The first game for the league Cynophilia 2012 This weekend has been. And what a nice start at KC Zoys!!!

In the B1 medium Simone walked with Pachuba and Mirella with Frisky both whopping 2 clear rounds. When jumping Frisky was slightly faster than Pachuba (11th and 10th place) and at the firm was the exact reverse, and they ended up on the 6th and 7th place. Can you be proud, at the beginning of such a ;).

In the C medium Marjan Magic.Zij was certainly were equally tasty, … 1th place at stake, 4e on the agility course and 3rd on the jumping. You will only be in shape…

Congratulations girls!

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Magic 3rd at IMCA!

So from home, met live stream, I am nevertheless still a bit. And it was exciting!!!

Friday Marjan and Magic were a clear round which they were 12th. Today they walked over the Agility course and after a somewhat slower start they ran a great lap. They were eventually take 3rd. Now that's a nice podium!! Besides Linda Falcon anyway, Revah who walked with two very nice rounds, and was 2nd overall.

This afternoon it is still exciting. Jan Sprij and Finn are completely in their element and are currently 1st. I am very curious about his agility round this afternoon and am already busy rooting for them.

All results can be found at www.imcanederland.nl/impa/main.html


NK 2011

Yesterday, 25 June, was Dutch Championship.

Sambuca, Spot, Magic, Csilla and Poki could participate.

The small began, and then the mediums. Judge Adrianne vd Bosch put a nice jumping down (belgians). Jammer was enough Csilla a Dis. Magic and Poki ran faultlessly. Magic 15th place. Poki ran the fastest time and won so the jumping round.

Then the large, a jumping of Martin Schoffelmeer, containing quite a tricky “turn and once work piece”. But… Spot and Sambuca both came clear round -> Spot in 11th place, Sambuca op de 9e. Well done!..

Later that afternoon than the Agility. When small a wonderful finale. No. 1, 2 in 3 the jumping were also 1, 2 in 3 at the agility course, and hence 1,2 in 3 on the podium.

In mediums ran the numbers 2 in 3 also a very nice fixed route. Poki was nice start, but when he jumped over the interface of the dogwalk, was another podium place obviously no longer possible. The numbers 2 in 3 van de jumping are 1 in 2 the mediums. Topper DJ Pieter was still just a pretty tight circle -> after he was 2 clear rounds 3rd overall!!!

And when the large. Sambuca and Spot was still very exciting!.. Spot was 11th and ran a superb clear round!!! 2 dogs later if Sambuca, but unfortunately there was to jump 2 an miscommunicatietje… De twee mooie rondjes van Spot waren opgeteld goed voor een tweede plaats overallSuperrrrr!! πŸ™‚

NK 2011
Kees&Poki, Marjan&Spot, Pieter&DJ

Graag feliciteren we alle winnaars:







Ietje Postma 

Henk Postma 

Martijn Servaas 

Henk Postma


Ron Jagt


Marjan Bosgoed


Roger vd Laarschot


Pieter vd Diest


Frank v Nimwegen



Het Jumpingrondje van Poki πŸ˜‰

LAK, 4 June

The website is still under construction, but the news may already be tracked easily. Want something about a piece of news? Tell a comment by filling out, nice!!!

Anyway… This weekend there was fighting in the LAK in Reuver, near Venlo. 3s degree (C in B2), Veterans en A-Class. It was a very sunny warm day, but fortunately there was a very pleasant breeze.

Foofur was with Loes enrolled veterans, but unfortunately it with Foofur this week not so good. He did so not to walk. Improvement for Foofur, I hope he's back soon old!

Csilla ran her first C-contest. First round (VP) was faster and smoother, and it had been nice if they had no right to fault the dogwalk, but was actually quite reasonable. 15th; 6 dots. JP went faster, but a DK. Game was very fun! Yet price; 3rd place ;).

Magic had a tight VP. Very sorry for it “detour” what was to be no detour…! JP was faultless and good for 9th place. Game was funny, along with Pieter instead Marjan.

Poki remained with the VP does not sit at the start. Start over again, and that's a DK. The jumping was much better! Flawless, 1st place ;). Also, when game Poki had to be put back again for the start, but he left after just see an amazing piece of apparatus discrimination.

And then the dessert of the day! Loes was there with Gina. VP at stake and there were good and bad pieces -> a DK in both rounds. The last was the jumping, Loes and Gina were like one of the last, The other ring was cleared… Ben GrΓ€fe had a nice jumping put down for the A-Class and Loes was apparently. The first line was straight forward, jump – poles – breed – tunnel. That went very well with Gina. Thereafter, an asterisk, a tunnel again, yet another asterisk and again tunnel… this was goooeeed!…. high-high-trunk, a 180 degree turn back to a (kind of) asterisk…. ooeiii, Gina did not know where she was going and twirled again. Exciting…! yet 3 jumps, YES, flawless! Loes and Gina got their first U'tje. Not just a U'tje, but pair that's good for a 2nd place!!!

That beer at the end of the day we left than us very good taste. Cheers!!!