Puppies, week 7

Steeds meer krijgen de pups een eigen karakter. De puppytest heeft ons ook weer wat meer inzicht gegeven, vooral ook in het verschil tussen “alleen zijn” in “vanuit de groep”. Naast wat extra socialisatie voor geluiden, nemen we de pups nu ook wat verder mee en krijgen ze wat meer individuele tijd. Pfff.. en dan besef je weer dat 8 best veel is!… 😉 We hebben nog een drukke week voor de boeg.

En een paar lastige dagen… want welke pup gaat waar naartoe?… Van de reutjes is dat vrijwel duidelijk, maar bij de teefjes nog zeker niet. Ik ben blij als die knopen zijn doorgehakt!
Maar anyway.. geniet nog even lekker van een paar foto’s van afgelopen week…

Puppies, week 6

They discover the world increasingly, go on their own garden and after some snooping on the floor, they run in the house also around joyfully as they once (only) allowed outside the fence. They have already been chipped and they have taken their first vaccination at the vet. Are they went to the training ground yesterday afternoon, all those leaves, twigs, dogs, people… they had lots of fun.

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Puppy’s, week 5

They are increasingly dog. They run, play, barking and fighting. More and more, and longer. It is very interesting to see how little character develop, and each day are. One who today leads the way, tomorrow is probably not. The constantly changing each other.

They are clearly more and more to explore, and their world is increasing. The whelping box is gone and replaced with a bench where they like to lie. In the kitchen, a large piece of sail where they will have fun and food is. The outside is nice and open, and if they do not go far in the garden… they are already happy outside.

Next week the chipper. The names we have just divided among the puppies, and we will try to make this weekend a 'face page’ to make.

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Puppy’s, week 4

Sjee, what goes fast now!

They have been eating a little self, every day a little more. It was a little early, but we had such nice weather…. we have them anyway had also stopped outside. Nice.. though they were then very very tired…

They play with each other, and would like to discover more and more. Hopping behind my legs, and of course behind Mom. And when they come into the kitchen, Mom then challenges them to a game. Nice ;).

Puppy’s, week 3

Oh, what goes fast! And now it will probably just go faster, because it is getting better and busier.

This week they have made their first steps. They react to the world around them, and they are playing with each other. From their first steps, also they go to the newspaper to defecate, so hope it stays that way ;)).
A few have already climbed out of the whelping box, and all have been exploring outside the box. Mama is still proud and loving, and ensures that bar often enough open, but they let them now anyway even though more and more only, in… would they actually do again what action… It is in our common good as it should, beautiful yet?

Puppy’s, week 2

They sleep and still suck, but we see that they are increasingly able to. The eyes are all open since Thursday and the first worm treatment within. The sheets and rugs is accelerating again towards washer, but otherwise it's really mostly still enjoy and do we still not much to do. Mom is great!



Puppy’s, week 1

It's such a nice couple, that 8 puppies and their mom.. Csilla is a wonderful mother who is not storing away at her little ones. Get up to do a quick pee, she does not even actually prefer if the puppies snuggle with her. And well.. actually hang always puppies “at the bar” or lie down to sleep well on mom's leg.

Maarja, it must also be: Drink and sleep. All other energy for the growing.


They are!!!

The long wait is finally rewarded ;).

8 beautiful puppies: 5 females and 3 reutjes.

Friday no training


There is on Friday 9 September no training!

This, of course, in connection with the belly fat from Csilla, that tomorrow hopefully anyway less full :). Today would “day” must be. Her temperature betrayal nothing, but otherwise it looks like it could well happen today or tonight anyway…